H2Open Solution

One consultant, the expertise of many.

H2Open Solution

One consultant, the expertise of many.

Our Vision

H2Open Solution is a platform of professionals from the international cooperation sector with different backgrounds and a common interest for sustainable development.

We believe that technical support should not be one-off and this is why we offer an alternative approach to traditional consultancies: from design to monitoring phases, we offer a balanced field/remote follow-up. Our support will be flexible to the project’s needs and optimised with effective communication tools and a solid collaboration within the team.

Thanks to a partnership with the University of Trento we are able to propose three levels of expertise: Senior, Junior and Intern. We will work together side by side with the project manager on the ground to guarantee an efficient workflow and the necessary support to achieve the objectives set for the project.

What we offer

Field based consultancy

With a wide range of expertise, we are able to offer a tailor-made field support for your technical project.

Every one of us can count on the knowledge of the whole team when needed. With H2Open Solution you get one consultant but the expertise of many.

Intern Package

Thanks to a partnership with UNESCO chair – UNITN* we are able to link a young engineer with you and offer the initial support that they might need. We will introduce them to the field work for the first days of their mission, help them to plan and organize their work. After that we will be available for 10 hours of remote support to ensure that they are backed up during the first steps on their own.

*The UNESCO Chair in “Engineering for Human and Sustainable Development” was established at the University of Trento in 2011 within the DICAM, Departement of Civil Environmental and Mechanics Engineering.

Remote support

We can support your project from remote whenever there is a need for it.

You can contact us via email, Skype or WhatsApp and ask for our help. We will come back to you within 24 hours.

Based on our experience this is the ideal solution when the context is already known by the consultant or for a wider and more effective follow up of a field-based consultancy.

Project partnership

H2Open Solution is able to offer a long-term support to a project, such a partnership. Do not hesitate to contact us if you think that we could be your technical partners in the field.

Our Team

Matteo Barca

Matteo Barca

Environmental Engineer and WaSH Expert

Main Expertise: Assessment and project proposals, Water Supply in rural areas

Profilo: Junior

Languages: English, French, Italian

Marco Bezzi

Marco Bezzi

Environmental Engineer and Irrigation Expert - PhD

Main Expertise: Consultant, Irrigation expert

Profilo: Senior

Languages: Engllish, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian 

Stefano Gambini

Stefano Gambini

Hydrogeologist and WASH expert

Main Expertise: Identifying and assessing water resources, Seismic investigations

Profilo: Senior

Languages: English, French, Italian

Emanuele Porcellato

Emanuele Porcellato

Water Engineer and WaSH Expert

Main Expertise:
Project Management, Structural design management and execution

Profilo: Junior

Languages: English, French, Italian

Maurizio Peselj

Maurizio Peselj

Hydrogeologist and WASH expert

Main Expertise:
Project & People management, Urban and Rural water & Sanitation systems

Profilo: Senior

Languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian

Paolo Grisenti

Paolo Grisenti

Environmental Engineer - PhD

Main Expertise: Consultant
Project Management

Profilo: Junior

Languages: English, Italian

Silvano Pisoni

Silvano Pisoni

Environmental Engineer

Main Expertise: Consultant,
Hydraulic modelling

Profilo: Senior

Languages: English,Italian

Paolo Buzzi

Paolo Buzzi

Mechanical Engineer

Main Expertise: Consultant, Electrical designing

Profilo: Senior

Languages: English, Italian

Carlo Pellegrini

Carlo Pellegrini

Irrigation Technician

Main Expertise: Consultant,
Field installation

Profilo: Junior

Languages: English, Italian


H2Open Solution

is a platform of professionals from the international cooperation sector with different backgrounds and a common interest for sustainable development.

For more information about our services and fees please send us a message. We will come back to you within 24h.

Contact us

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